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  • www.competitivemarkets.com - A farmer/rancher driven think-tank working for free markets, vigorous antitrust enforcement and fairer trade policies.
  • www.r-calfusa.com - R-CALF USA, United Stockgrowers of America with more than 18,000 members in 47 states - works on various issues that affect independent U.S. cattle producers, such as country of origin labeling, livestock price reporting, animal health concerns, captive supplies, and packer ownership of livestock, as well as various trade agreements.
  • www.nffc.net - The National Family Farm Coalition provides a voice for grassroots groups on farm, food, trade, and rural economic issues to ensure fair prices for family farmers, safe and healthy food, and vibrant, environmentally sound communities here and around the world.
  • www.worc.org - Western Organization of Resource Councils is a regional network of seven grassroots organizations that include 9,500 members and 45 local chapters. WORC helps its member groups succeed by providing training, and coordinating regional issue campaigns.
  • www.agpolicy.org - Agriculture Policy Analysis Center
  • www.normeconomics.com - National Organization for Raw Materials
  • www.normbook.homestead.com - Fred Lundgren's Book "The Nature of Wealth"
  • www.rangemagazine.com - "Range is the award-winning quarterly devoted to issues that threaten the West, its people, lifestyle, land and wildlife. No stranger to controversy, RANGE is a leading forum for opposing viewpoints in the search for solutions that will halt the depletion of a national resource-the American cowboy."
  • www.FarmAid.org - Farm Aid helps the family farm agricultural system through public education, direct grants, supports national, regional, and local efforts to promote sustainable agriculture, fights factory farms, advocates fair farm prices, provides credit counselling, & assistance to farm families in need.
  • www.northernplains.org - Clean, renewable energy sources like biofuels should be our highest priority.
  • www.acresusa.com - Acres U.S.A. is a "Voice for Eco-Agriculture."
  • www.familyfarmdefenders.org - "Sowing Farmer to Farmer Solidarity!"
  • www.americanrenewables.org - Washington International Renewable Energy Conference (WIREC)

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