By Ed Fashing

America’s family farmers and ranchers have few friends. Derry Brownfield is one and CNN’s Lou Dobbs is another. Derry’s hard hitting and amusing show is carried by many stations in about 25 states. Among the people that Derry has interviewed are: Dr. Nick Begich who spoke about HAARP; G.B Oliver spoke about loss of land rights; Ed Fashing spoke about Parity and the AAM . Mike Callicrate spoke about NCBA’s alternative R-calfusa, Pickett vs. Tyson/IBP, and captive supplies . Reverend Larry Rice told about alternative energy methods as solar, wind and biodiesel. Other guests spoke about chemtrails, Agenda 21, and loss of water and land rights.

Derry calls his approach as talking about “ignorance gone to seed.” Derry spoke at the 2004 AAM Convention and says pertinent things about the farm crisis in an amusing manner. In the G.B. Oliver interview, the need for local law enforcement and other officials protecting the rights of citizens of this republic were stressed. There is a growing belief in the alternative news network to realize that our Congress has sold us out. Governments in D.C. apparently have little control of federal agencies like USDA, USTR, BLM, F&WS, and EPA. Once the employees have tenure it becomes hard to fire an employee without a big publicity problem.

Many in federal agencies believe in Agenda 21. Programs like Scenic Byways and destruction of dams aim to return America to the myopic pristine beauty of 1500. Some econuts believe no new electrical power plants should be built using natural gas because it releases carbon dioxide. The last 19 power plants were built using clean natural gas. Environmentalists oppose nuclear power plants. Econuts oppose coal fired plants that add sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and radioactive nucleotides to the atmosphere. Extremists oppose hydroelectric electrical plants since they restrict endangered mussels and fish from moving upstream. In fact, they seem to oppose anything that does not further creeping socialism in America. Some, I suspect, are watermelon environmentalists-green on the outside and red on the inside.

These followers of the Rio Treaty seem to believe that mankind has caused Global warming when the latest National Geographic on pages 65 & 66 shows a graph for the last 400,000 years and shows every 100,000 years solar warming happens. I lectured about this trend over 20 years ago to my science students. I also warned my students about the coming problem with land use rules and zoning.

Recently in Great Britain, fox hunting was outlawed and hundreds of square miles of private lands are now legally open to ramblers who can walk on privately owned land-land on which taxes are paid. The extension of U.S. National Parks and UN land preserves to assault control of land owned or on which leases are held shows that “American ramblers” is the next step.

Extreme actions to attack land rights and extend the endangered species act by the IRS, FBI, Department of Justice, and previously mentioned agencies can be thwarted by a vigilant local sheriff (chief law enforcement agent in the county), county commission, and voting public so that citizens can return our republic “to the people.” The founding fathers would not have tolerated: Ruby Ridge, Waco, the Indianapolis Baptist Church, and other assaults on freedom and the constitution.

The tyranny of a total democracy is not understood by many some who hold elected office. In a republic representatives are elected to do the will of the people. Unfortunately the flaw is that we have ended up with a run-away Congress and many elected officials. Many have taken bribes or funds from environmentalists, multinational corporations, NGOs, and their trusts funds through rogue lobbyists.

Derry Brownfield is doing some of the work other farm organizations should be doing. Derry quotes Rudyard Kipling with a pertinent concept, “Common sense is the knack of seeing things as they ought to be done.” A radical sees things as they should be done and acts to immediately change to that ideal. Americans have become diverted to worrying about: crab grass in the lawn, watching stupid sitcoms, and other meaningless concerns.