Mr. Alvin Bauman from Sabetha, KS writes to Rep. Jerry Moran

In his letter he wonders where are our Presidents, our Congress, our Agriculture Department and our Supreme Court since 1952? Can’t all honest peace loving citizens of this United States know this Nation can’t keep going in debt? So why can’t all the above go back and read history of the period 1942 through 1952 and restore this Nation to our constitution?

Who killed PARITY? You can read in Unforgiven pages 262 and 263 that Walters was not afraid to list. So it was not farmers, but greed for big money and control that is killing our United states.

So to Representative Jerry Moran: I love this United States that my forefathers came for religious freedom to. I’m sure yours did too. But it’s being destroyed by taking the Bibles out of our schools, court rooms, and public places. Why is it? To destroy Christianity? Please think hard about it. Who are the National Advisors?

So are you really sincere in saving our Nation? Please go back and read the life history of Carl Wilkens. He and his Associates got Congress to pass the Federal Emergency Price Control act to win World War II. The greedy money and control conspiracy got it repealed. So read the law, its rules and regulations. I do wish to add, you our first President, all had farming interests. So the appointment of a Secretary of Agriculture was no problem. Now it’s different. Just who advises the appointment of a Secretary of Agriculture? It should be by farmers, who own the farms and work the land. So can that be changed? From President appointment to actual farmers appointment?

Another correction that is needed is for the good of our Nation is, Marketing Certificates. Why? Please study this hard. As I read the records that got parity repealed. Too many farmers and a lot of B.S. Over production, this did not destroy land only, but also the family farmers. So why this argument? Was it not that the family farmers were Christians, plus to many to control? So if the conspiracy could make all corporate farming, they could control them a lot easier plus control markets and disbursement.

So what is needed? Market certificates; first to take control of money from the conspiracies. Second; restore parity up to cost of production plus a living. The reason; our forefathers knew this when they said “Everyone should own a piece of land.” So to do this if you love your neighbors as yourself, all should be satisfied if they can make a good living and all treated equal. So this Market Certificate issue needs a lot of study. First the Federal Agriculture Dept., (they should have the figures) issue to the States what is needed in each commodity from that State. The State’s allocate to Counties, the county committee to allocate to producers. And any young farmers wanting to start farming the allocation to be taken off the top of the big producer. The reason is Our Family Farmers are all getting old. We need a way to get the young in farming. A starting farmer needs to know he will get a price as well as the Banker who would back him. So now this Nations needs a return to a policy as in 1942. Only to be known as a “Federal Emergency Inflation Price Control Act.” The reason we are losing our Sovereignty, our Constitution, our forefathers way of live. So why can’t our Presidents and our Congress take notice and stop listening to the present advisors, “Lobbyists” when our Nation is taking a nose dive into hell. Forgetting God, why? Is it for campaign money and to hell with my fellow man? And our Nation?

Representative Moran, please go back and read Wilkens report, the depression of early thirties, plenty of food but no money to buy it with. Wilken and Associates came up with the solution with the Federal Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, and it worked. Read the record of full parity (100%) in 1946 through 1951. A Nation with great prosperity. So again who stopped? Read “Unforgiven” pages 262 and 263. And where the former great Senator Arthur Capper “The buying power of rural America is the motive force that keeps factory wheels turning. Take that away, and many an industrial center would become a ghost town.” Is that not happening? We did not have Corporate Farming in control then and we don’t need it now. In other words God blessed this United States when we operated with many, many small faith filled God loving and neighbor loving independent farmers. And we had a prosperous Nation. So can there be a leader that will study History and take History by the horns, clean out the present Lobbyists in Washington and get out nation back operating under our Constitution?

So the solution is: We need the National Secretary of Agriculture to be a tried farmer, elected by the farmers. We need a law patterned after the 1942 Emergency Law. But now to be named “The Federal Emergency inflation Price Control Act.” With rules and regulations written by the same group as in 1942 plus an actual dirt farmer from each of the listed National Farm Organizations. This would require the control of all salaries, executive salaries, factory wages, corporation farming outlawed. This is a must. This Nation became great with the small independent farmers. This will require marketing certificates first to control production, and to control greed, so the prices can be controlled from production to consumption. This can be done with 100% parity to the family farmer up to a limit of income to control over production and greed. In other words so all will love thy neighbor as thyself.

Yes, this will require strict controls. But there is no more “Go West young man go west.” So all laws and regulations are controls. But with all laws rules and regulations made with fairness to try and treat all equal. This can again make this United States a Nation of God fearing, yet a God loving Nation.

We need to look after the needs of our own citizens and not get involved in a One World Government. So bring our Soldiers home, quit trying to run the World.

And God will bless these United States.

With love,

Alvin Bauman

It would be great if we all could study the laws and goings on of our country and write to our own Congressmen. Alvin has been doing this for many years. He has another letter to his congressmen that will appear in the next issue of AAM Newsletter