National Family Farmers Coalition Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of National Family Farmers Coalition was held Feb. 9-12 in D.C.

Bill Christison presided with delegates from several farm-related organizations in attendance.

Rosealinda Guillen of the United Farm Workers led the discussion on several issues they have in common with AAM such as campaign policy and the ability to work together.

Discussion of dairy concerns followed. Importation, check-offs and captive supply were the main concerns. This eventually came to include Fast Track as well, followed by the current proposed Farm Bill.

Trade discussion led by Lori Wallach with Scott Paul of AFL-CIO and Dena Hoff, Trade Task Force Chair. According to Ms. Wallach, the WTO is a “do nothing organization.” It is a product of the corporate world that writes their own laws to their benefit. Point in question: China, before their membership to the WTO was dry, had flooded the U.S. market with apple juice dumping in the first degree.

Sunday, NFFC Board business meeting

All officers were re-elected for one year. Treasurers report by Jean Slachetka read and approved. Executive Directors report read and approved.

Sunday evening discussion led by Bill Christison, Ron Morrisette and Bill Wenzel about key activities and involvement for the upcoming year. There are real issues presenting themselves about the engineering of seeds. The U.S. and Australia are the big consumers of such seeds. This could be a real Corporate Terminator, particularly to resource poor farmers of the world. The big issue is the carry-over effect that has not been explored.

Monday morning met at the Methodist Building for Press Briefing on the Farm Bill and Dorr nomination hearing. And later met with key Senate and House Aides.

PARITY has become a word that most are refusing to use and we were told, “do not use the word parity.” PARITY is the foundation of AAM. According to Webster (3) equal and equivalence between farmers current ppurchasing power and their purchasing power at a selected base period maintained by GOVERNMENT support of agriculture commodity process. One may say SUBSIDY-subsidy seems to be the word many are choosing to use. In other words , one is allowed to call PARITY many things, only don’t call it PARITY. It seems to me that all farm organizations are asking for PARITY, they don’t want a substitute, they just want to substitute the word, PARITY, so let them. AAM doesn’t mind the fact that the word PARITY is left for our privilege. In fact, I feel it is an honor.

President Bill Christison who travels world wide for NFFC announced that we no longer have a surplus of sufficient proportion of commodities to restrict commodities at their current lever. Our country needs it’s industry back so we can once again afford to replace our worn out machinery. It was a good meeting. Enjoyed it all except for the wind when we were visiting the Senators offices. I believe it was a 60 mile wind that day, and we were trying to walk into it.

Bob Hemminger

Immediate Past President, AAM