by Ed Fashing


The following are angry, cynical comments of a cold farmer.

The U.S. trade deficit for 2002 was >$435 billion: with China it was> $103 billion. Farm product exports were up 0.3%. Sarcastically: Hurray for NAFTA; they threw us the peanut shells.

Inflation for January 2003 was up to 1.6%. Energy costs were up 4.8%. Sarcastically: Good thing we have global warming or we would have frozen our buns off in Missouri.

Most of the above STATS were from NPR; the National Leftist radio paid for by us dummies. The changes in NPR in the last 2 years are startling. Remember, I am a populist and although officially a Democrat, I am not a Demapublican.

Tyson adds 12% water to their beef. I only add water to beef in a pan before slaughter.

Cargill and ADM are being sued for cornering the corn sweetener market.

The ratio between 1 oz. Of Troy gold traditionally is about 22, but is now about half that. The 3-way battle of the future will be between the Dollar, the Euro, and the Denier, a new Arab gold backed coin to hit the market if the U.S. fails in the Middle East.

Only 2% of Federal Income comes from estate taxes. Question: why cannot the estate tax be repealed permanently? Answer: Then the goals of land distribution would not happen. Econuts are bent on using anti-capitalism laws to rework the countryside. Some key econuts are former reds and are leading many well-intentioned to do their work of destroying this country. Some founders of environmental organizations are finally becoming aware of the real world battle. The predatory capitalist elite unintentionally helps their agenda. The onslaught of the Moslems is a direct result of the Crusades where Christians taught intolerance of infidels. If you have no future financially, you too might dream of going to heaven and 72 virgins or studs.

Riddle: If two companies cannot control a market how can five companies control 12 Markets? Answer: $10,000 or more buys loyalty from too many politicians, and USDJ & GIPSA do not have the funds to prosecute all the crooks nor do they want adequate funds.

What is the second most important commodity after oil? Coffee

AAM MO Newsletter is an opinion and information source at the discretion and judgment of Ed Fashing.