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Press Release Archives 2004


March 12, 2004

Press Release #3

Vice President of Communications
Ed Fashing
2898 Audrain Road 114
Sturgeon, MO 65284-2023



(STURGEON, MO), April 13th is Thomas Jefferson's 251st birthday. Tom, a great American, died on the Fourth of July, 1826, the 50th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. He is buried at Monticello, Virginia. Jefferson was a surveyor, lawyer, architect, legislator, governor, congressman, ambassador, first U.S. Secretary of State, second U.S. Vice President, third U.S. President, founder of the University of Virginia, and a farmer.

Tom wrote the Declaration of Independence. An early draft of the Declaration read, "life, liberty and the pursuit of land." Owning and controlling personal property was considered by the founders as a natural right for a person-not to be surrendered to socialists, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), or treaties as UN Agenda 21.

Thomas Jefferson once said, "Timid men ... prefer the calm of despotism to the boisterous sea of liberty."

In his writings, Tom often acknowledged our creator God; he read the bible often.

Jefferson was the author of The Survey of 1785, which planned most U.S. towns and farm boundaries. This opened the heartland for settlement by our forefather. Townships, Township Lines, and Range Lines come from the survey.

Tom was a fiscal conservative but he made the Louisiana Purchase for $15 million. Jefferson commissioned the Corps of Discovery with Rogers and Clark to explore the Louisiana Territory, report on the flora and fauna, make contact with Indian Nations, and explore the Missouri River for the purpose of developing the Missouri River for commerce.

AAM doubts if the pallid sturgeon or golden plover would be considered by Tom as more important than the Missouri River's commercial uses.

Jefferson was against involvement in foreign wars yet he sent a naval task-force to destroy the Barbary Pirates.

T.J. was a deep thinker, good writer but a shy speaker. Tom was freckled, sandy-haired, awkward, and over 6 feet tall. He was like the farmer next door. Tom enjoyed grafting trees in his orchard and experimenting with new crops on his family farm. Yes, Tom was a farmer. Tom thought, "Farming is a noble profession."

The American Agriculture Movement believes family farming and ranching is a noble profession deserving a fair parity price for commodities-our work of hands. Todays commodities bring an average less than 40% of Parity. To join AAM call; 1-605-993-6201 or reach www.aaminc.org



The American Agriculture Movement, Inc. is the farmer/rancher organization that sponsored the 1979 tractorcade and protests that brought 50,000 farmers and 5,000 tractors to Washington D.C. in 1978 and 1979 to protest the FARM CRISIS. AAM stands for food producer and commodity PARITY. Parity is a term that denotes a fair commodity price adjusted for inflation to the commodity prices brought in 1910-1914 when producer-middlemen-consumer had a balanced income. Today, 15 commodities average 35% of PARITY. Meanwhile costs of trucks, combines, implements, tractors, and help rose many times. AAM still demands a parity price increase for commodities. Go to AAM's website: http://www.aaminc.org/ for more information.


February 22, 2004

Press Release #11A

Vice President of Communications
Ed Fashing
2898 Audrain Road 114
Sturgeon, MO 65284-2023



(STURGEON, MO), AAM is pleased with the results of the federal jury's $1.28 billion dollar judgment for manipulation of cattle prices by IBP/Tyson using captive supplies. U.S. District Judge Lyle Strom presided over a case that will return the cattle market to the position envisioned by the framers of the Packer & Stockyards Act of 1921. This jury verdict indeed is the repeal of "The Jungle 2" world of predatory capitalism practiced by the meatpackers. Upton Sinclair wrote "The Jungle" exposing the corruption in the packing industry 99 years ago. How could the present situation of the cattle market have come about? Corruption, conspiracy, and complacency.

Congratulations is in order for: lawyer David Domina, Agricultural Economist C. Robert Taylor, the staff of OCM, R-Calf members, and the brave cattlemen who brought the suit. Thank you, all who had the slightest hand helping seek justice in this trial. 

During the trial it was discovered Tyson had sliced $5.62/cwt off cattle on the open market from early 1994 to late 2002 amounting to over $2 billion. This case shows how an oligopoly of packers controls the meat market. Today Tyson/IBP, Cargill/Excel, Swift/ConAgra, and Farmland National Beef control 82% of the beef slaughter market. The trial revealed that the "captive supply cattle" were actually of poorer quality, than cattle on the open market.

The fact is obvious that the federal government in allowing consolidation of so many meat packers in the last decades has turned away from enforcing laws on the books for almost 80 years. Congress, the last several administrations, courts, and especially the Department of Justice are guilty of nonfeasance or malfeasance.

The most disturbing part is that played by supposed profarmer and prorancher organizations having the gall to accept memberships at a price and then supporting the enemies of their members. Indeed: "their competitors are their friends" and their members "are their enemies."



The American Agriculture Movement, Inc. is the farmer/rancher organization that sponsored the 1979 tractorcade and protests that brought 50,000 farmers and 5,000 tractors to Washington D.C. in 1978 and 1979 to protest the FARM CRISIS. AAM stands for food producer and commodity PARITY. Parity is a term that denotes a fair commodity price adjusted for inflation to the commodity prices brought in 1910-1914 when producer-middlemen-consumer had a balanced income. Today, 15 commodities average 35% of PARITY. Meanwhile costs of trucks, combines, implements, tractors, and help rose many times. AAM still demands a parity price increase for commodities. Go to AAM's website: http://www.aaminc.org/ for more information.


February 17, 2004

Press Release #10J

Vice President of Communications
Ed Fashing
2898 Audrain Road 114
Sturgeon, MO 65284-2023



(STURGEON, MO), The 2003 U.S. Trade Deficit exceeded $489 billion increasing 14% from 2002. There are many causes of U.S. economic trade decline. Disbalance with countries is: $124 billion with China, $94 billion with EU, and $66 billion with Japan. The deficit will continue to increase thanks to the recent Australian Free Trade Ageement just signed. Alan Greenspan and the International Monetary Fund warn further increase in U.S. trade deficit may cause a drop in the dollar's value. The Euro increased over 50% against the dollar since its release.

The greed of big agribusiness, multinational pharmaceutical businesses, and big chemical companies help cause the trade deficit. Extreme environmentalists stress ideals that would be denied by Rachael Carson and devoted predatory capitalists with whom Adam Smith would disagree add to trade disbalance. All these and an unrepresentative U.S. government hurt America and producers. Victories against the country with once golden streets are caused by Free Trade Agreements with Canada, Mexico, Central America, and South America-every country in the Americas but Cuba-now comes the Australian FTA.

The Australian Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA) significantly opens U.S. markets by increasing quotas, canceling tariffs, or limits on: lamb, shellfish, beef, olives, vegetables, dairy products, flowers, citrus products, macadamia nuts, avocados, fish, and wines. USDA, the U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick, the State Department and the Bush Administration again sold out the U.S. family rancher and farmer for elite friends, lobbyists and multinational corporations and their agendas. Next year, the trade deficit will again increase. Australia claims a $55 million gain in dairy exports alone.

Last year, the only significant commodities and products exported with a positive balance were: grains, electronics, chemicals, steel, lumber, copper, the power industry, rice, scrap metal, cotton, wheat, soybeans, airplane parts and gold. I wonder if the gold came from Fort Knox as well as the once paved "golden streets" which drew many of our ancestors to America. More driving forces for free trade agreements are: the media, Hollywood, and pharmaceudicals seeking better satellite encryption and patent, logo, & copyright protection in Australia. Protected U.S. commodities are: sugar, rice, wheat and barley.

Australian cattle imports will increase by 15,000 tonnes in year 2 (after the coming election) thanks to the lobbying of ConAgra, Tyson, Cargill, and NCBA. The Australian dairy industry will increase exports by "nearly three times as much as the current tariff quota" (according to the Australian government) making Kraft quite happy. Also, National Pork Producers Council, National Association of Wheat growers and American Farm Bureau Federation are silent about this Aussie give-away.

No wonder most of those previously mentioned organizations oppose Country of Origin Labeling implementation. The problem is not the cost of $10 per month per store but the fact that over 80% of U.S. citizens favor COOL and would even spend more to buy U.S. products over foreign imports. Big businesses fear that an informed citizen might reject cheaper ground beef from Australia purchased by middlemen in favor of U.S. ground beef. Many middlemen prefer to sell Mexican or Australian oranges to those grown in California or Florida. Most middlemen sell cheaper foreign purchased produce at the same price as U.S. produce to increase their profit margin.

All the above agreements, corporations and persons in the revolving door of business, media, and government are destroying the U.S. for their extra 20 pieces of silver.



The American Agriculture Movement, Inc. is the farmer/rancher organization that sponsored the 1979 tractorcade and protests that brought 50,000 farmers and 5,000 tractors to Washington D.C. in 1978 and 1979 to protest the FARM CRISIS. AAM stands for food producer and commodity PARITY. Parity is a term that denotes a fair commodity price adjusted for inflation to the commodity prices brought in 1910-1914 when producer-middlemen-consumer had a balanced income. Today, 15 commodities average 35% of PARITY. Meanwhile costs of trucks, combines, implements, tractors, and help rose many times. AAM still demands a parity price increase for commodities. Go to AAM's website: http://www.aaminc.org/ for more information.




Press Release 7f:

Vice President of Communications
Ed Fashing
2898 Audrain Road 114
Sturgeon, MO 65284-2023



At its 24th convention in Oklahoma City, the American Agriculture Movement, Inc. heard about how the organization was conceived. From a small meeting in Springfield, Colorado, to the idea of a Farmers' Strike, to putting 50,000 farmers in Washington D.C. in 1978. AAM held a National Tractorcade in 1979 with 5000 tractors. A fair price for commodities was the Tractorcade's theme.

The keynote speaker was farm broadcaster Derry Brownfield. Members enjoyed speakers' personal stories about incidents at the 1979 tractorcade.

The question the members want answered is: WHO SUPPORTS FAMILY FARMS?

A recent Cornell University study found that 85% of U.S. dairies will go out of business before 2020. Members believe this is also true of many other segments of production agriculture.

Members also expressed concern about the safety of U.S. food, mad cow from Canada, and e-coli contaminated onions from Mexico. The fact is that 24% of U.S. food comes from countries. Members believe that it is unthinkable that the Secretary of Agriculture would take the side of a few large agribusinesses to prevent U.S. consumers knowing if their food is U.S. grown rather than supporting the 166 family farm and consumer organizations that recently requested USDA follow the law and implement the country of origin labeling (COOL).

AAM Members also question the Secretary's action which voided a democratic vote by U.S. hog producers to stop a forced check-off tax on their hogs which is being used to fund their economic destruction. This seems out of place as U.S. soldiers die almost daily in Iraq to give Iraqis the right to vote!



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